Verdura: The Image-Maker and His Women of Style
James Haag,
Managing Director, Verdura
Fulco di Verdura, a Sicilian Duke, will forever be associated with Coco Chanel, Cole Porter, Greta Garbo, Babe Paley, Tallulah Bankhead, and scores of legendary twentieth-century women who preferred style over status.
The presentation will trace Verdura’s design legacy from turn-of-the-century Sicily and 1920s Paris to 1930s Hollywood and the unfolding café society style revolution in 1940s and 1950s New York.
Verdura’s women of style will be profiled, as well as the enduring mark his work has left on modern fine jewelry design.
As a special treat, Jim will provide an intimate glimpse into Verdura’s role in the styling of the television show, Feud: Capote vs. The Swans, for which they loaned over 100 iconic pieces, including vintage jewelry owned by the original swans.
Afternoon tea will be served after the lecture.
Guests Welcome: Guest Fee $30 (guest fees can be paid online please click here)
Reservations: Greenwichdecorativearts@gmail.com
Verdura Museum Collection
Yellow gold and platinum tiara designed as a feather headdress, composed of 36 leaves, half diamond with gold veins and have gold with diamond veins, set with 1,223 diamonds.