Jenny Dixon, Director, The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum, Long Island City, Queens
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Isamu Noguchi (1904 – 1988) is among those who gave definition to mid twentieth century modernism. Yet his protean production as an artist and designer went far beyond the constraints of a single discipline, as was characteristic of his time. Set design, playgrounds, parks, plazas, sculpture, furniture design and akari all encompassed his oeuvre.
The son of an American intellectual and a Japanese poet, he considered himself a global artist and also introduced a post war east west conversation into the cultures he was a part of. With no heirs and wanting to be understood for his life's work, he founded his own museum dedicated to his work which opened in 1985. Many think the Museum itself is one of Noguchi's greatest works and possibly accomplishments.
Photos courtesy of the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum.
Red Cube, 1968. Isamu Noguchi. Steel, Paint. ©The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum, New York / ARS. Photo by Michio Noguchi.
Akari Light Sculpture UF4-33N, UF4-L10, UF4-L9. Isamu Noguchi. ©The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum, New York / ARS. Photo by Kevin Noble.
Akari Light Sculptures 1A and 1AG. Isamu Noguchi. ©The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum, New York / ARS.
Akari Light Sculpture 1A. Isamu Noguchi. ©The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum, New York / ARS. Photo by Kevin Noble.