A large group of members were able to enjoy a private viewing and lunch at the Winter Show in January 2025 held at the Park Avenue Armory, NYC.
Membership Renewal
GDAS operates at a breakeven budget and depends wholly on member support to fund its programs. For the upcoming program year, our increased membership numbers and people providing support above the base dues level, was able to offset our increased costs. Because of this, we are able to keep our base dues at $200.
For those who can, we have additional membership categories. This additional support allows us to fund the high-quality programs GDAS members enjoy.
Friend $250
Contributor $300
Benefactor $500
Last year, 53 members were able to contribute above the base amount. We would like to increase this number in FY24/25. Friends, Contributors and Benefactors will be acknowledged in our Members Directory. Please note, to be included in the directory renewal must be received by July 31st 2024. We will maintain our guest fee at $30 per lecture. Guest fees can be paid on line. Click here to pay guest fee.
We can offer renewal online or a printable form that can be mailed in.
Please click here to reach our membership page for online registration or to download the form.
Our Program Year for FY24/25 will have six in person meetings starting on October 21st. Meetings at the Bruce will continue to be on Mondays – when the Museum is closed to the public. Our “Tea” will follow each presentation, and the museum store will be open.
Our February and March presentations will be conducted as Webinars. This is in consideration that many Members may either be out-of-town for the winter or are hesitant to drive in cold weather. You can connect from wherever you are!
Finally, membership also provides you with exclusive access to our trips (7 in FY23/24). Trips are an additional cost.
All lectures are the property of the speaker and may not be disseminated, shared, recorded or distributed, in print or digitally, without the lecturer's express written permission. Your attendance at any Greenwich Decorative Arts lecture is not permission to disseminate, share, record or distribute.
We enjoyed trips to the Kenny Scharf exhibition at the Brandt 12/3/24 and a visit to Doyle Gallery to see Joseph Banks’ Floroligium, 12/4/24

The purpose of the Greenwich Decorative Arts Society (the "Society") is to further the appreciation, knowledge and understanding of antiques and the fine and decorative arts. In accomplishing this goal, the Greenwich Decorative Arts Society provides and promotes educational programs on antiques and the decorative arts, such as engaging scholars to lecture on topics of interest. The Society also provides educational opportunities to further the knowledge of antiques and decorative arts with sponsored trips and tours.
with James Haag, Managing Director, Verdura
Fulco di Verdura, a Sicilian Duke, will forever be associated with Coco Chanel, Cole Porter, Greta Garbo, Babe Paley, Tallulah Bankhead, and scores of legendary twentieth-century women who preferred style over status.
The presentation will trace Verdura’s design legacy from turn-of-the-century Sicily and 1920s Paris to 1930s Hollywood and the unfolding café society style revolution in 1940s and 1950s New York.
Verdura’s women of style will be profiled, as well as the enduring mark his work has left on modern fine jewelry design.
As a special treat, Jim will provide an intimate glimpse into Verdura’s role in the styling of the television show, Feud: Capote vs. The Swans, for which they loaned over 100 iconic pieces, including vintage jewelry owned by the original swans.
Afternoon tea will be served after the lecture.
Guests Welcome: Guest Fee $30 (guest fees can be paid online please click here)
Verdura Museum Collection
Yellow gold and platinum tiara designed as a feather headdress, composed of 36 leaves, half diamond with gold veins and have gold with diamond veins, set with 1,223 diamonds.